Leading With Intention

013: Designing Your Ideal Life: 3 Steps To Create A Clear Vision & Take Aligned Action

Sienna J. Brown Season 2 Episode 4

What would your life look like if you started pairing intention with consistent action? It’s easy to set misaligned goals and today, we’re going to talk about how to create a clear vision for your life, leadership and legacy. We’ll also dive into a strategic framework to implement into your monthly or quarterly planning to start prioritizing what you need to set and reach your goals with ease and alignment. 

In this episode, you’ll learn… 

  • The power of envisioning your life in 3 phases
  • The story many don’t know that lead me to reevaluate priorities beyond professional growth
  • How to create a clear monthly and quarterly plan in alignment with your top priorities 

Interested in learning more about the Ideal Self Accelerator? Learn more about my six-week group coaching program to teach you how to redefine the way you live & work to start showing up for your future self. Click here to learn more about the program

Be sure to subscribe to the podcast (give it a rating!) and follow me on Instagram  @siennajbrown where you’ll find more stories, strategies and sustainable systems as you create your next chapter!