Leading With Intention

005: Rethink Your Resolutions; Focus On This Instead

Sienna J. Brown Season 1 Episode 5

Happy New Year! Last year we learned the significance of things not panning out how we expected them to, but this year I want to see you win and redefine success on your own terms. 

In today’s episode, I teach you how to rethink and restructure the resolutions you’ve set for yourself to make sure you’re focused on success. This looks different for everyone but in today’s episode you’re going to learn how it’s possible to reach your life-changing goals without burning out or losing yourself along the way. 

In this episode, you’ll learn… 

  • What I got up to during this time off
  • How do we successfully and sustainably reach our goals without burning out
  • How to create a habit-driven plan

Get your notebook ready, this episode has a lot of insightful moments and resources for you. 

Resources For This Episode: 

For Women Wanting To Know More About Who I Am: Sienna J. Brown 

For Women Ready To Move Abroad: Las Morenas de Espana

For Women Wanting Job Opportunities: PowerToFly

For Women Ready to Boost Their Productivity: Six Week Sprint

For Women Looking For A Balanced Planner: Passion Planner 

Use the code to save your coins: SIENNA10

Be sure to follow @leading.with.intention on Instagram so you can find your community, weekly inspiration and submit your questions to be highlighted on the show! Want to connect personally? Shoot me a message at @siennajbrown