Leading With Intention

006: Why Your Joy Matters Most Right Now

Sienna J. Brown Season 1 Episode 6

Your joy matters, no matter what is happening in the world around you. Today I’ll be sharing with you five different ways to cultivate joy and heal yourself, while staying true to yourself and what you care about. 

“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence. It is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare," — Audre Lorde 

In this episode, you’ll learn… 

  • How to authentically and unapologetically express joy in hard times 
  • Why creating boundaries is essential for yourself and your relationships 
  • Ways to cultivate joy and why it’s a radical act 
  • My personal story on how sparking daily joy changed my life for the better 

Resources For This Episode: 

Sienna J. Brown  — @siennajbrown 

Angie Franklin — @afroyogabyangie 

Yasmine Cheyenne — @yasminecheyenne 

What Black Joy Means and Why It’s Important Now More Than Ever 

The Undefended Self